Family Constallation
Family Constellation, developed by Bert Hellinger, is a psychotherapeutic method that studies the patterns of behavior of family groups through generations.
We all possess characteristics and emotional burdens that we do not always know or understand their origin or the reason that makes us feel that way. It happens that, many times without knowing, our difficulties are resulting from our family systems, our ancestors.
When Hellinger created Family Constellation, he discovered, observed and validated three laws or “Orders of Love.” These laws have the power to influence both the individual lives of people and also a family system. Hellinger's “Orders of Love” are:
Principles of Family Constellation
1. Belonging,
2. Law of hierarchy, and the
3. Law of balance between giving and receiving.
Failure to comply with any one of these laws may trigger imbalances and entanglements in the family system. These imbalances can result in various issues such as financial, phobias, diseases, and even fatal tendencies.
The practice
When a client seeks help for some personal or family matter that is of concern, he presents it as a theme. With this, the professional requests information about family members and then, with this information, the therapist initiates a Family Constellation session. This therapeutic work is powerful within a group dynamic—but can work with an individual and therapist.
Psychodrama is employed as a means to explore your issues and blocks by using dramatization, role-playing and other methods–to see yourself in a different light and experience new ways of being in a safe and supportive environment.
Some feel that everyone can benefit from exploring the family dynamic. It is often recommended if you or a family member experiences persistent behavioral or emotional symptoms such as addictions, eating disorders, depression, isolation and loneliness, or anger issues. Those with a family history of suicide, violent death, adoption, abortion, miscarriage, abuse, trauma, could also benefit from Family Constellation therapy.
Time duration
A Family Constellation takes place in a therapeutic session that lasts from one to 1.5 hours. It is not intended to be an ongoing treatment method. It helps the client improve and have a better understanding of their life. It is performed to treat specific issues and is not a substitute for conventional therapy.
Quantum healing and Family Constellation
Ask about our upcoming introductory or group sessions where you will have a frontrow seat to learn how this works. You may request to observe or participate as a "representative" and, when the time is right, ask to take the role as "seeker" or "issue holder" or the person to experience a personal constellation.
Please give us a call or contact Cileimmar directly for more information.